Friday, October 1, 2010

Work Hard, Achieve Much, Be Happy

Early start to the day again. 8am class. I sometimes wish I could get just one extra hour of sleep, but at the same time I enjoy getting done with my classes early (on A days I'm done by 10:30). I went to the cafeteria to read for Comedy class. We are reading a book called "Truth in Comedy" which is apparently one of the best manuals for improvisation, and I find it quite an interesting read. Mezrim (one of the waiters in the Garden Lounge), came by and I asked him, "How are you doing Mezrim?" Mezrim is an amazing person and everyday he tells me the same thing but in a different way, and its just so genius. His reply, in short, was, "I'm doing good man. I'm just so happy, never felt so good in my life. And do you know why I'm so happy? It's because I've worked hard at a young age and achieved a lot. So you do the same thing now, and in the future you'll be a happy man." I know it sounds kind of lame, but Mezrim just has a certain aura behind him, and everything he says just comes from his heart and sounds so touching. And what he said today, really hit me. Lunch was a simple matter, and I did not really eat much. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm losing my appetite, and I had such a small one to begin with too. I always feel hungry before a meal. But recently, once I start eating I get full quite quickly. Maybe I'm just getting sick of ship food and want some Indian food really badly (mind you the ship food really isn't that bad, its actually quite good; I just want a change). The rest of the day went on normally, talking with friends here, getting a little bit of work done there, and playing games everywhere. At night, there was an explorer seminar where the inter-port lecturer for South Africa, Louis, was talking about South Africa and debunking some myths about it. It was an interesting presentation, and I'm looking forward to Cape Town. I have to finalize plans in South Africa tomorrow. I kind of know what I'm doing, just need to make a decision now.
September 30, 2010

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