Friday, October 1, 2010

Nothing to do Finally

Woke up. Went to classes, did well on my reading quiz, turned in my history essay, and found out I killed that Global Studies test. BOOYAH!!! I spent the rest of the day relaxing and not doing work. This was the first time in a week or so that I have had no plans or nothing specific that I had to do, so that was nice. It was also interesting to walk around the ship and observe all the people who got their head's shaved. I think at least 50% or more of the ship did get their head shaved. I was a bit bored sometime in the day because I had nothing to do, but everyone else seemed like they did have work to do. I hate whenever that happens: when you are free, no one else seems to be free. Nothing really happened until 8 when there was a seminar where Desmond Tutu and our Inter-port lecturer sat down to answer questions about South Africa. In reality, Dean David asked most/all the questions, but the topics were interesting as Tutu talked about apartheid and how South Africa is a very varied country of highs and lows. Random note: Archbishop Tutu has one of the cutest laughs ever. At the end of the seminar, they played a video of a man who went to numerous places in the world, and at each place he did a certain dance while locals joined him. It was quite an awesome video. Afterwards, one of the clubs was holding a dance party in the Union at 10, which was actually kind of fun but just for a short bit since the music was not that great and it was kind of hard dancing on a rocking ship. I went back and watched a movie with some friends. Come 1am, we stopped and went to bed. I was tired and wanted my beauty sleep .
September 29, 2010

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