Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wait a minute......

I had an epiphany today. Only 17 days to go. Not only will I not be going back to school, but I will be traveling around the world. In a few weeks, instead of San Diego I will be in Spain. Instead of studying for midterms and really concentrating on academics, I will be on a safari in Ghana. Instead of worrying about my future, I will be sleeping on the Great Wall of China. Wow, life has never looked so good. I am excited beyond belief for the experiences, the places to visit, the new things I will be doing, the new people to meet and friends to make, and to find out more about who I am deep inside. And yet, I feel so unprepared. There is still so much to do, so many plans to make, places to research and learn more about, trips to organize, luggage to pack. Yet I am keeping a positive outlook. Things will work out ... or at least I hope :)


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