Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Dolphins... what more can be said about today. Had my macroecon class (which seems ridiculously easy) and Global Studies and caught up with all of my reading for all my classes. And the rest of the day was generally the same shenanigans except for two things: massive mafia game with 16 other people late at night, and dolphins. After finishing my readings I was just chilling on outside deck 5 with Dino who was taking a nap in the beautiful weather. Suddenly I heard a girl scream, “DOLPHINS.” And immediately everyone starts frantically looking. There was a school of them portside off the stern. At first they were just jumping out of the water lightly, so I was like, cool I’ll just watch. But then a few began leaping only a few hundred feet from the ship and I was like, “Oh crap I gotta get this picture.” But of course, as soon as I get my camera and get it ready, they stop leaping. Funny how that works out. Nevertheless is was a nice thing to see because it was the first sign of life I have seen (aside from the people on the ship) since leaving Halifax. And it also intrigues me how people just completely freak out about dolphins. During those 30seconds – 1min of seeing the dolphins I heard a plethora of “AHH”s and “OH MY GOD”s in different frequencies from different girls (maybe guys to, I’m not hating). Don’t get me wrong, I think dolphins are awesome too, but just the aura humans have put behind dolphins is disproportionately large compared to that of any other animal. I know this sounds stupid but had to say it.
August 31, 2010

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