Monday, August 30, 2010

Recovering and MY First Day of Classes

Woke up.... wow the seas are so much more calmer today...and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. It seems that we have passed the storms, so the seas were really pleasant. It was a great way to start the day after a horrible day. I got some more Meclazine for tonight, and made my way to my Comedy and Improv class. My teacher is a comedic actor and is awesome. He started off by simply showing us some stand-up comedy, and then continued on how the class was going to be lots of fun and not very serious (great news for me :). He then organized us in a circle and taught us how to play a game called "Schwang-Bang-Bounce" (I didn't quite understand the point of the game though), and then had us interview someone in the class we didn't know yet and present them to the rest of the class. And there were some pretty interesting stories (the most interesting was my partners story, which in interest of the youngsters I cannot write here). Then went off to my History class which was like any other history class: reading, studying, etc (but didn't seem so bad). I spend the rest of the day catching up on stuff from yesterday's rut: signing up for Field Trips, setting up my laptop with the Tech guys on the ship, catching up with the people I already knew, and meeting more people of course. I meet another girl from UCSD and played a game called Bananagrams with her and her group of friends. The game was really addicting even though I sucked at it, and we played for a good 2 hours until dinner. I tried to do some work (mostly for history) but didn't really understand the reading at all. And then at 8pm, David Giess (our Academic Dean who is awesome and funny, as I had mentioned before) had a presentation on Spain to give some background and possible things we can do there. The one thing I don't understand, is how SAS expects us to get any work done for our classes when there is so much other things we have to do in order to make this trip as memorable as people say it should be. Whatever, I'll try to figure that one later. Now I have another fun-filled and work-filled day ahead of me and we are losing another hour of sleep tonight. Time for bed!
August 30, 2010

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