Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Dog from the Slums.....worth Millions

I woke up a little late for piano tutoring, but was able to get to the piano lounge just in time to catch Aldin and Genanieve before they left. Teaching these two (even though I've only been doing it for a short time now), has been very rewarding and engaging. Aldin is very excited to learn piano, Genanieve learns very quickly, and both of them have an intense desire to learn the black notes (that's what I use to keep attention: "We'll learn how to play to black notes if we learn this first" since they are so energetic that I sometimes have a difficult time keeping their mind in the practice). Tutoring them makes me think of Vira Aunti and bring light on how she must have felt teaching me when I was young and appreciate all she has done for me. After wards, I caught up on some emailing during my free time before classes, and organized my plans over the next few days (how I'm going to budget my time). For classes, Comedy was fun as always (we actually played games all class, which was awesome), and History was the usual. I had lunch with Kelsey, Amanda, Drew, and Jenn and we talked about Mauritius, video games, and roller coasters (it's sometimes interesting to trace a conversation after having it). I went back to my room to work on my History Midterm study guide (Professor Ringrose, was actually allowing us to bring our study guides as outlines for the test, so I just needed to do this properly and I would be all set for the test) and India Preport. I also reflected a bit about Mauritius: I need to stop traveling with just that group. It was as if my Mauritian experience symbolized all the things I've ever (in my whole life) wanted to do but couldn't do because of the uninterest and/or indecisiveness of others. I had dinner with Devon, Mariah, Ace, El, Andy, Luke, and another guy names Tyler. I enjoyed hanging out with another group. I need to do this more often. I also began thinking of maybe doing a day trip in India. One side of me wants to relax in India, but it's not every day I am in India with friends instead of family. I noticed that there were two Indian students sitting behind me that I did not recognize (there were only so many of us on the ship, I had at least seen all of them) and I deduced that they were the Interport students. After dinner was over with that group, a few of us went to that table and introduced ourselves to the interport students. Their names were Balaji and Sunila and both were from South Indian colleges. Balaji seemed very energetic and excited, and Sunila seemed to be more calm and had a classy-like yet positive attitude about things. We talked about India, culture and life there, and made plans to meet for lunch tomorrow. I went to the Mediterranean Sea's Basketball Tournament Social, but it was cancelled since there was no ball at the student life desk (someone had lost the one they had). So I instead went back to my room to work more. At 8:30, I went up to the Union to get free popcorn for the Slumdog Millionaire Movie Night. I missed free popcorn by 1 person, which really pissed me off since I got there so early, much earlier than others who had gotten the popcorn before me. I then decided to stay for the whole movie instead of half like I was planning before and so got a big bag of popcorn from the Pool bar. I watched the movie with Bria and Jenn. Watching the movie for the second time made me realize and more appreciate how good and well-made the movie is. At the same time I also understand all the people (especially Indian people) who criticize how the movie only shows the bad parts of India, as it kind of made India look like a particularly scary and dangerous place (every place in the world is like that in some way). After the movie was over (people cheering when the two protagonists were finally re-united), I headed back to my room to work more before falling asleep.
October 16, 2010

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